Monday, February 29, 2016

Exalted 3rd Edition: Ki Ken Bimiyo, Night Caste

Another character I am playing in my friend Kyle's EX3 Chronicle Lodestone: The Scabbard of Creation. 
I have actually been playing this character for quiet sometime actually, the first couple of sessions were as a heroic mortal. I very much enjoy playing him even though he is not as coherent of a character as Mayuri.

Ki Ken is a courtesan from the city of Aruf in the Blessed isle. He moonlighted as a bodyguard and assassin for his various clients. Furthermore, he owns his own pleasure house named The Blue Lotous. Which through Sidereal shenanigans was transported from Aruf to an island community in the far western sea know as Shark Tooth Cove. His concept is simply Dangerous Beauty.

Oh and there is a little Easter egg in here! Mayuri is both a retainer and an intimacy for Ki Ken, however this Mayuri is actually his mortal best friend who runs The Blue Lotus while he is way and has a head for business.


Strength 2
Dexterity 5
Stamina 2

Charisma 3
Manipulation 4
Appearance 4

Perception 3
Intelligence 2
Wits 3


Archery 0
Athletics 1
Awareness 5
Brawl 1
Bureaucracy 2
Craft 1 (Poision)
Dodge 4
Integrity 1
Investigation 0
Larceny 4
Linguistics 1
Lore 1
Martial Arts 4
Medicine 0
Melee 4
Occult 1
Performance 3
Presence 4
_Resistance_ 4
Ride 0
Sail 0
Socialize 5
Stealth 0
Survival 0
Thrown 0
War 0


Martial Arts (Grappling)
Presence (Persuasion)
Socialize (Deception)
Stealth (Ambush)


Artifact (See below)
Contacts •
Followers •
Influence (Aruf) •
Language (High Realm) •
Martial Artist ••••
Mentor (Azure Silk) •••
Retainer (Mint by Midnight) ••
Retainers (Mayuri) ••
Retainers (Tepet Maru) ••••
Resources ••


Defining Principle: " Secrets are often whispered upon a silk pillow"

Major Tie: Secrets (Important)
Major Tie: Anonimty (Percious)
Major Tie:  Tepet Maru (Wary Affection)
Major Tie: My Circle (Comradere)
Major Tie: The Blue Lotous (Pride)
Major Tie: Mayuri (Friendship)

Minor Tie: Mnemon (Vengance)
Minor Tie: Captian Tyrus (Friendship)
Minor Tie: Eight (Respect)
Minor Tie: Quills (Guarded Desire)
Minor Tie: Quills (Distrust)


Sensory Acuity Prana
Surprise Anticipation Method

Graceful Crane Stance

Reed in the Wind
Reflex Sidestep Technique

Integrity Protecting Prana

Elegant Weapon Repertoire

Living Shadow Preparedness
Flawless Impentrable Disguise

Dipping Swallow Defense
Bulwark Stance
War Lion Stance

Masterful Performance Exercise
Thousandfold Courtesan Ways

Mastery of Small Manners
Shadow Over Day
Guarded Thoughts Meditation


Greenwood Blade
Heaven Thunder Leaves
Seven Jeweled Peacock Fan
Discreet Essence Armor
Wound Mending Needles
Moonsilver Hearthstone Amulet


Willpower 5
Essence 1

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Tyoshi, Small God of the Joyous Blossom

My Twilight Caste Exalted Character Mayuri has a Retainer who is the small god of her Artisan House. Below are the stats for the Small god I created. It was really fun putting this together. I built him using various NPC spirits from the Exalted Corebook to build something fun, yet balanced.

Essence: 2; Willpower: 4; Join Battle: 4 dice
Personal Motes: 70
Health Levels: -0/-1x3/-2x3/-4/Incap.
Actions: Disguise: 7 dice; Senses: 6 dice; Read Intentions: 7 dice; Performance Art: 10 dice; Social
Influence: 5 dice; Stealth: 7 dice; Weave Fabric: 11 dice; Writing: 7 dice
Appearance 5, Resolve 3, Guile 4

Attack (Silver Pin): 7 dice (Damage 8 and dream poison when decisive, damage 3i/round, duration 3
round, -3 penalty, falls asleep when crashed)
Combat Movement: 7 dice
Evasion: 4, Parry: 3
Soak/Hardness: 5/0 (Unarmored)


Shimmering Crystal Beauty: Anyone who looks upon the god is treated as having a Minor Tie of wonder towards it for purposes of social influence rolls.

Expressive Demeanor: Tyoshi takes no penalties for communicating via body language, and can
communicate even complex messages or carry out conversations with nothing more than their
extraordinarily expressive faces and posture.

Offensive Charms

Principle of Motion (10m, 1wp; Reflexive; Instant; Essence 2): Tyoshi moves with blinding speed, taking a flurry without the usual restrictions—it can flurry two of the same action if desired, and it ignores the usual penalties to dice pools and Defense.

Defensive Charms

Kaleidoscopic Dodge (5m, 3i; Reflexive; Instant; Essence 2): For a moment, Tyoshi seems to disintegrate into rainbow brilliance, as though it were refracted through a prism, adding +2 Evasion against an attack. A successful dodge allows Tyoshi to reflexively move one range band in any direction, if it wishes.

Jeweled Heart Allure (6m; Reflexive; One scene; Essence 2): Tyoshi radiates beauty that dumbfounds even battle-hardened warriors, forcing characters to pay a point of Willpower before they can attack it in a scene unless they have an Intimacy that represents ruthlessness, pitilessness, or a desperate reason to fight it that is greater than the Minor Tie created by Shimmering Crystal Beauty.

Social Charms

Artistic Shapechange (8m; Simple; One scene; Eclipse; Essence 1): Once Tyoshi has read a character’s intentions to determine their ideal of artistic beauty, it may use this Charm to sculpt its body into that form. Its divine nature remains recognizable, but it may alter gender, height, build, facial features, and similar aesthetic traits. While this Charm is active, it adds +2 Appearance when making social influence rolls to inspire the character whose preferences it has tailored itself to, or that play on Intimacies of awe or desire towards itself. This can raise the small god’s Appearance above 5, but is not compatible with other Appearance-enhancing effects.

Miscellaneous Charms

Hurry Home (10m, 1wp; Simple; Instant; Essence 1): The god fades away and vanishes on its next turn, drawn instantly to either the Joyous Blossom or to Mayuri’s side.

Materialize (35m, 1wp; Simple; Instant; Essence 1): The god weaves itself a physical form out of colorful threads of silk, which weave into a body.

Measure the Wind (5m; Simple; Instant; Essence 1): The god can measure the nature of any that comes to the Joyous Blossom seeking to patronize its artisans.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Exalted Third Edition: Mayuri, Twilight Caste

So I am a huge fan of White Wolf's Exalted RPG. I have decided to share with everyone the full write up for my latest Exalted third edition character.

Mayuri is a Solar Exalted of the Twilight Caste. She is an Artist. She tailors beautiful gowns, costumes, and formal wear. In addition to crafting beautiful clothing and accessories, she is a performance artist who specializes in storytelling dance. She stages the set pieces and crafts all her own costumes and fashion.  She runs an Artisan House in the Baistion District of Nexus called Joyous Blossom.

Strength 2
Dexterity 3
Stamina 2
Charisma 4
Manipulation 3
Appearance 4 
Perception 3
Intelligence 3
Wits 3
Archery 0
Athletics 0
Awareness 2
Brawl 1
Bureaucracy 2

Craft 5 (Tailoring)
Dodge 3
Integrity 1
Investigation 0
Larceny 0
Linguistics 1
Lore 2
Martial Arts 4

Medicine 1
Melee 0
Occult 4
Performance 4
Presence  1
Resistance 1
Ride 0
Sail 0
Socialize 3
Stealth 0
Survival 0
Thrown 0
War 0
Craft (Delicate Materials)
Lore (Wyld)
Martial Arts (Improvised Weapons)
Occult (Sorcery)
Performance (Dance)
Artifact (Silk Armor) ••••
Contacts •
Familiar (Snow, white kitten) •
Followers •
Influence •
Language (Old Realm) •
Language (High Realm) •
Martial Artist ••••
Retainers (Tyoshi, Small God of the Joyous Blossom) ••
Resources ••
Defining Principle: "Creating beautiful things brings joy" 
Major Tie: Tyoshi (Friendship)
Major Tie: Performing (Joy)
Major Tie: Dreams (Sacred)
Major Tie: Fair Folk (Hate)
Major Tie: Joyous Blossom (Cherish)
Minor Principle: “All the World's a Stage”
Minor Tie: Snow (Love)
Minor Tie: Wyld (Artistic Fascination)
Minor Tie: Parent's Memory (Cherish)
Minor Tie: Circus (Nostalgia)
Minor Tie: Artist (Respect)
Minor Tie: Childern (Protective)
Minor Tie: Kinrumi (Awe)
Minor Tie: Nibon (Affectionate Irritation)
Minor Tie: Jiang Delun (Respect)
Sensory Acuity Prana

Craftsman Needs No Tools
Arete Shifting Prana
Flawless Handiwork Method
Supreme Masterwork Focus
Bright-Forging Prana

Demure Carp Feint
Elegant Weapon Repertoire
Pearlescent Filigree Defense

Reed in the Wind
Masterful Performance Exercise
Graceful Reed Dancing
Battle-Dancer Method

Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

Initiation: Scarred by Nightmares
Spells: Silent Words of Dreams and Nightmares [control], Summon Elemental
Willpower 5
Essence 1